Elevate. Captivate. Inspire.

Elevate. Captivate. Inspire.

Tailored projects that roadmap your journey to organic growth in the world's leading search engine. Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.


Increase lead convergence using rich content with the ability to both inform and guide users through your sales funnel. 

Every project is unique and your SEO journey will reflect your brand. I’ll use a breadth of strategies and services bespoke to tick all your boxes with a human touch.

  • SEO Consulting

    SEO consulting is end-to-end catering dedicated to providing you with an informed roadmap to evolving the way you approach driving traffic to and around your website. It begins with an audit and finishes with an SEO strategy your team can implement to succeed.

  • SEO Training

    My aim isn’t just to sell you a service and sell you it again later down the line. I want to help your team become self-sufficient in the way it manages your online ecosystem. Using custom presentations, your team can learn in scheduled meetings that work for you.

  • Information Architecture

    Even if you have the best words typed out in front of you, the wrong layout can lead to bounce rates flying through the roof. Your information architecture is the route to ensuring your website and its pages are laid out intuitively and engagingly.

  • Content Writing

    When you want to showcase your brand and become a trusted thought leader in your industry, you need to inform. Using modernised industry practices in accordance with Google Webmasters, you’ll have optimised content signed, sealed and delivered to your inbox.

  • Copywriting

    Websites require landing pages that convert. This means having specialised copy within carefully laid-out content blocks that cater to your users’ intuition while guiding them through your sales funnel. Allow Signature Content to create signature sales.

  • Competitor Research

    To understand what your next move could be, it’s best to have a full-colour view of the landscape. Competitor research conducted through key tools such as Semrush will help you find the opportunities your competitors have missed.

  • KPI Alignment

    From bounce rates to engagement and from session durations to pages per session; understanding the general metrics and dimensions you could monitor will enable you to better understand your performance ebbs and flows.

  • Performance Reporting

    Consistent, clear, and informative reports delivered at a cadence suited to your team. I aim to provide performance data that will inform your next campaign using Google Analytics, Semrush or any other tool your business uses.

About Me

My name’s Jade and I’m the founder of Signature Content; an SEO consultancy service whose deliverables you’ll be proud to put your signature on.

Based in the UK, I can come to you or work remotely as an extension of your team. I aim to add value to your online presence using long-term solutions that continue to be effective traffic-driving and brand-awareness tools even after the campaign has finished.

With over 5 years in the industry, I specialize in tailoring strategic solutions that drive organic growth and elevate your online visibility. Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Let's collaborate and create.


Across the continents, I’ve been privileged to have worked with the great and mighty from independent traders to global enterprises. And those I’ve worked with have sought beyond package deals for a more tailored approach to the way they optimise.

At Signature Content, I’ve made it my mission to elevate user-facing digital ecosystems for all my clients.

Organic marketing funnels require synergy among your website, brand values and goals.

My ambition is to create SEO-driven content, in all its forms, tailored to each and every client. From small-order content to corporation training capsules. It’s all about putting your digital signature on the content for your audiences.

Here’s what’s been said by some of the folk I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the years:



You probably have a question or two. So, I’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions and answers so you’ve got time efficiency in your decision-making. That said, if you’ve still got a question, feel free to contact me by filling out the form below.

  • A: I’ll always encourage a discovery call when we first connect. During this call, you’ll have the opportunity to tell me all about your business as it currently stands, and what your goals are with a new approach to SEO. I’ll make a note of everything you say to guide my SEO strategies. For example, if your goal is to improve site traffic using already-live pages, I’ll look at technical SEO opportunities such as meta descriptions, meta titles, image alt text, robots.txt and canonical linking.

  • A: All projects are priced depending on the scope, the tools required, the forecasted duration, the market rates and the communication frequency. These factors ensure a cost-effective project for you while I dedicate my utmost to adding targeted value to your brand.

  • Description text A: I value transparency and communication as a top-tier attribute to both myself and any client I work with. When we engage in a project, I’ll use our discovery call to propose a suitable contact pattern. Some projects have been weekly, some bi-weekly and some clients have requested ad-hoc communication. This will depend on the duration of the project, the extensity, your preferred KPI performance report cadence and whether you’re on a single-project contract or a retainer with Signature Content.goes here

  • A: Of course! It’s never advised to dive head-first into any project with any consultant without knowing exactly what they’re capable of. So, when we connect, I’ll learn a bit about your brand, your industry and your goals which will allow me to collate a selection of projects most relevant to you.

  • A: Search engines are always changing and adapting to today’s audience. For example, Google has been hard at work ensuring its algorithm now crawls and ranks websites according to their mobile user experience before their desktop experience. The aim is to cater to the majority world population who use smartphones to search the web. As an SEO, this means adapting several aspects such as copywriting and content writing, the use of image alt text, information architecture, internal linking strategies and so on. Finding out exactly how the algorithm changes and when is all about keeping in the community; I’ll view Hubspot reports and read Google Search Central’s latest news.

  • A: I measure the success of an SEO campaign based on your brand goals. Using software tools such as Semrush, Google Analytics, and Screaming Frog, I’ll monitor your site’s status and opportunities as well as observe how your users access and use the site. If your goal is to increase the value of your site to users, I’ll advise monitoring dimensions such as session duration, pages per session, bounce rates and engagement in Google Analytics. Together, they’ll paint a picture of how well your on-page SEO guides your users across your website.

  • A: The keywords that’ll be relevant to you will depend on your brand, audience, industry, campaign and goals. For example, there are some keywords better suited for long-form informational-based content and others that’ll be more effective in landing page copy. I’ll use Google Trends to find the top and the rising topics relative to you before finetuning with tools such as Semrush and Answer the Public. Then, you’ll be delivered a spreadsheet from which you can select keywords.

  • A: On a personal level, I prefer to use Semrush and Google Analytics. However, working with a breadth of clientele across the world, I can use whichever reporting and analytics platforms you already have integrated. For example, Adobe Analytics, Ahrefs, Moz, Screaming Frog, and more.

  • A: Yes! An initial website audit is what helps me understand your current status and what opportunities lie to build an effective and robust strategy that will meet and exceed your goals. While every website audit will vary, I’ll typically look for opportunities in technical SEO (such as missing meta tags), on-page SEO (such as internal linking strategies, information architecture, content structure, and keyword usage) and off-page SEO (such as backlink profiles).

  • A: I’ll be sure to tell you what information and documentation I’ll need from you to deliver a tailored project suited to your goals. For example, with content writing projects, I’ll need to know your main domain, your target audience, your campaign goals, your brand style and your tone-of-voice. There may be other things such as competitors whose content you do and don’t like, performance reports on previous content and so on.

  • A: As a professional, I will always take the utmost care with any information you provide to me. After having worked with global charity organizations and US government suppliers, I’m well-versed in signing NDAs. All documents, websites, data and personnel that either you or I supply will remain under pen and hand and will not be shared with any third party.

  • A: A copyright (noun) grants a creator ‘intellectual property’ - or, the rights - to something they’ve made. Copywriting (verb), on the other hand, is where an individual writes anything for King and Country to be published on a website, on marketing materials, on social media platforms, on a research paper and so on. Simply put, one is writing while the other is a right.

  • A: Your project is wholly yours to use upon receipt of the final payment (in the event of a single-project contract) or with the timely receipt of monthly funds (in the event of a retainer). You will hold full ownership and accountability of the work delivered meaning this can be published at your discretion. At Signature Content, I work as a whitelabelled SEO contractor meaning I require no production attribution.

  • A: After the project has begun, you will be emailed an invoice for the cost of services relating to your project or retainer. Once this has been emailed, you will have 3 business days to amend or cancel. That said, we are all humans and the SEO industry must remain flexible to the changing tides, whether it’s changes in the services you offer, a campaign you’re launching, or your target audience. If you approach me mid-project with any of these changes, I’m flexible to accommodate within a reasonable time from the project’s delivery date. For more information, please read my Terms of Service.

As a business, you’re unique. You’ve got a house style, goals, values, and a voice. 

No matter your brand ambition, I’m here to help you find the signature content to catapult your SEO journey. From discovery to delivery, contact me.

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